Annual Meeting 2023
Good afternoon Monarchs family,
The Board of Directors would be very pleased if you would participate in the following Members’ Meeting:
In Person and Virtual Annual Meeting Thursday, November 2nd, 2023 7:30pm at Paramount Fine Foods Centre.
Please see attachment for more information.

The attached notice contains information concerning the content and conduct of the meeting and the conditions and procedures for participating in and registering for this meeting.
Included in this communication, please find the following information in preparation for MMBA’s Annual Meeting:
1. Attendance / Registration
2. Agenda
3. Ballot/Proxy
4. Board of Director Nominee Instructions
5. Approval of Auditors
To register, please email our admin team at Your email will also be used to verify and confirm your membership application.
Please ensure you provide the following information in your email:
- in-person or virtual attendance;
- your full name;
- your child’s/player full name if applicable;
- and your participation category (as a coach, adult volunteer, player (18 years and older), or parent/guardian)
We hope to see you there.
Monarchs Admin Team