
The 3v3 City League is an exciting intermediate between our traditional Development and City League basketball programs which combines skills training and gameplay within small teams of three. It is designed for players age 8 to 13 (Gr. 3-8) aiming to improve their ball movement, spacing, individual, and team skills in a half-court format.

Pre Req: MUST be referred or complete the Monarchs Development program.

  • Uniform and basketball are required (can be purchased online under SHOP). Please schedule uniform or basketball pickup prior to start day of program
  • Bring indoor athletic shoes, athletic attire, and a water bottle.
    - Ensure you know the exact date and location you’re registered for
  • Arrive 10 mins early for start time of program
  • 1 Coach per 8-10 Players
  • Each program is 1hr and 30 mins.
  • Warm-up starts 5 mins after the start time.
  • Each team goes through the coaches’ weekly game plan, and teaching concept before the games begin
  • Games will be half-court only

Depending on coaches’ recommendation - City League or continue 3v3 League


Questions? Contact us at info@monarchsbasketball.ca